Retirees Reaching for Yield in Fixed Income Products Need to Think Twice

The free market isn’t free anymore, even though a lot of retired and soon-to-be retired folks think it is. The truth is nothing in the capital markets moves freely anymore, especially interest rates. Now, frighteningly, because America has morphed into a quasi-command economy where the Federal Reserve dictates economic policy, retirees don’t understand how dangerous[…]

Retail Investors Have Been Beating Hedge Funds: Is That Dangerous?

Just about everything in our lives is different, no thanks to the novel coronavirus. One glaring difference is how retail investors have plunged into the stock market since COVID-19 slammed markets and shutdown the country. While that’s different enough, what’s vastly different is retail investors, instead of typically selling at the bottom of a plunge,[…]

Capital Wave Forecast: Risk On, and On, and On, And…

Summer’s not officially here yet, but the heat sure is. Markets are sizzling and investors are feeling it. It’s Risk On, all the way. Until of course the heat wave investors are enjoying gets dumped on by any number of named storms brewing out on the near horizon. What storms? Bella-Bankruptcy, Brad-Breadth, Elanor-Unemployment, Maggie-Mortgage, Ralph-Retail,[…]

A Tidal Wave of Bankruptcies Could Sink the Stock Market

Thousands of American companies are sliding towards bankruptcy. Many of them are publicly traded companies. The Federal Reserve’s buying some failing companies’ bonds in an effort to keep them alive. It’s not going to work. The coming tidal wave of bankruptcies will overwhelm the Fed’s rescue efforts and could sink the stock market. Here’s what’s[…]

How the Federal Reserve Hijacked Free Markets and Ushered in Socialism

The Federal Reserve’s promised to be the support pillar that holds up America’s capital markets. And they’ve promised to hold up the economy. Too bad the price America’s paying is our way of life. Here’s the short story how the Fed hijacked free markets and ushered in socialism, and how to win our freedom back.[…]